Oh, girl. As we say in the colonies, “Been there, got the T-shirt to prove it!”
Regarding the flotsam and jetsam of Medium cluttering your feed, my advice is purge, baby, purge.
Like yourself, I once followed hundreds, and my feed was such a clusterfuck I NEVER saw what I wanted. I now follow less than forty accounts, and my feed is the content I want to read and the people I want to interact with.
Like you, I, too, find the “good” responses to a 1,000-word piece annoying, like flies at a picnic. My pet peeve is when they refer to my POETRY as an article! Arg! They likely didn't even read the bloody thing, and yes, I appropriated the word ‘Bloody’ long before you arrived in my orbit. Ha! I do not engage with these people or their comments. It’s taxing and exhausting to do so. I scroll on.
That’s me, love. For what it’s worth. You do you. Find your people, ignore the rest, and, above all, write on love. Write on!